Powerlessness rising with each flame.
A scorched earth crying
for anything holy to comfort its tears
Trembling lungs gasping for air
In a sea of purgatory and smoke
A fire with no boundaries
As it contemplates its existence
A fury that recreates itself
Until the unknown
Has nowhere to turn.
The sounds of chaos like shards of glass
Tearing away at any semblance of safety.
The thought of such intense emptiness
Amidst the landscape of an identity
Which has sheltered our souls.
The graves are not done being dug,
Death has not even reached its pinnacle.
But we have one thing the fire does not
We have each other
We have the whispers of prayers that are carrying
themselves across continents
Between a multitude of generations
And from angels above.
We have hope
That no flame can destroy
And a faith that will unite
Every broken heart bearing witness to this devastation.
Sending our love to California!