The adaptation of new age philosophies that shame the seeker has been a thorn in my side for many years.
This is especially true when it comes to illness or success.
I still remember a friend of mine who is now eighty four years old after having read my book The Light of God when it originally was published in 2001 saying
“Thank you Laura. I thought every illness I endured was of my own creation.” I could not believe my ears.
Loey (she won’t mind me using her name) is the purest of heart, purest of mind, and probably the most humble human being I have ever met.
We create these legends and narratives of seekers who have cured themselves of every disease they encountered.
We create these demi-gods of healing practitioners who fight off evil.
Yet sometimes we can’t even recognize evil standing before us when it pretends to be of the light because we so crave to be higher in evolution than those around us.
To say that illness means one is out of balance with their soul does not ring true for me and the space that I hold for myself and others.
In my most recent class I was sharing the story of a Boddhisattva I encountered when I was in my early 30’s.
At least I thought so anyway.
I was walking at a fair and this very elderly woman was coming my way. She was hunched over with a cane and her face extremely withered from suffering. I saw all these souls around her influencing her path. As she passed me by I tilted my head downward. made the sign of the cross and said thank you. She has devoted her path, most likely unconsciously, to aid in the suffering of others.
When did we become accustomed to shaming the seeker for not being perfect in mind, body or spirit?
When did spiritual philosophies begin to capitalize on people’s weaknesses?
The spiritual climate out there is the more light one has the better.
I’ve seen this lead to spiritual “snobbery” , exclusion and isolation.
I’ve talked with friends, clients, and colleagues about this for years.
Purification for me is about standing in your imperfection as you are, whole and complete, with every good and every evil prompting you to create relationships with them that serve your highest good, not hurt you or others.
If that imperfection is in the form of illness, weaknesses, failures…and you are embracing it all in the light, then I say Amen.
No shame needed here.