Withered from wound after wound

Pierced by an ancestral hunger
She searched the heavens for silence.
Traversing realms where mortals dared to wander
She abandoned an earthly existence
Even if only for a brief moment.
The coarseness of her skin
The ravages of time upon her womb
The deep crevices within her face
All reminded her how many ancestors roamed her body and spirit
In search of a home long forgotten
In an existence within this world centuries ago.
There is no destination to carry these souls to peace
Only stillness to soften their weariness.
Dissolving into the ethers
One by one they will be called to bear witness
To the cries of those who breathed life before them
And those waiting to be borne.
One day the hunger will be honored by an emptiness that is holy
The wound will be drenched in sweetness.
Those dancing between realms will have a greater respect
for what is truly present in this mystery of life.