The unknown an impossible story to bear

The silence too frightening to witness

The grief too unyielding to hold

The Surrender needs to be gentle

A humble birth from ego to hero

Within your own duality

Your narrative born from the gods

Who kept you close to their bosom

Until your entrance into this realm

As you tiptoed through the trenches

With darkness reaching for your soul

Oh how lonely you felt

Wondering if you would ever find the light

The extraordinary radiance

Of a soul wanting to know itself completely.

Believing that it is capable of worthiness.

I wish you would understand

That all has always been safely tucked gently inside

Your heart this whole time.

You need not fear the ordinary, the unknown, the silence, 

Or the grief. You need not fear the surrender.

You just need to trust in yourself

And you will become the peace you are searching for.