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Some of your ancestors have taught you how to love.

Some of your ancestors have taught you how to hate.

What stories are you carrying in your weary bones

That ignite confusion across generations

Especially in the pivotal moment

Where you need to choose what kind of ancestor

You want to be to future generations to come.

Retreat slowly

So that when worlds collide

You will know where to find

Your solitude

Amidst the chaos.

It will liken itself

To an innocence not lost,

Only hidden from sight

Until it was ready to

Be completely understood.

Being human is not for the faint of heart.

Life is so very real, fragile, exhilarating, painful, luminescent.

Your bones bathe in your ancestor’s wounds

While your soul carresses a future lineage awaiting

Each breath of your awakening.

You could taste the earth, its rooted energies,

As it draws life into your blood

And moistens your marrow.

A life so vast the rocks and trees know you by

Your name.

The stars await your confession

The hardships you can no longer bear

The resentment without a place to call home

Within a mind and heart that was created to love.

No, being human is not for the faint of heart.

But I know you.

Perhaps in the way God knows you.

Perhaps in the way you know yourself

But are afraid to see the truth.

You are braver that you think..

After all, you are right here, right now.

So live and be human.

Sometimes a story needs to be told through your body.

Your ancestors might need to speak through your cells

Your blood and bones might need to relive a pattern until it comes to rest.

There are a myriad number of reasons why our illnesses and maladies are gateways to another world.

Be kind to your bodies, in weakness, and in strength.

From ashes to ashes

And dust to dust

We lay down our lives with each dawn

That passes when we 

Turn our hearts against each other.

There is no realm

Where we will not wait

For a patient judgement

That softens the hardness

From generations past

Who crave leniency for a prayer

Not yet spoken

Because pain for some is 

Easier to bear than love.

We will not be resurrected alone.

Lineages will gather

Upon a sullen earth

To tend to the needs of many.

If your desire for pain is greater than your need for love,

Will you be able to stand by your brothers and sisters?

The time has come to live an honorable life

Where your heart becomes one heart, living and breathing

For the many.

Between heaven and hell

I heard the voices of my ancestors

Rising up and wondering if their lives 

Still had any worth beyond the veil.

I listened to their cries as shame

Ripped through fragments of their souls.

Fatigued from their self pity,

I tore apart the realms in search of every grace

Afforded to them from lifetimes of learning

And lay every speck of light at their feet.

I screamed at them to open their eyes and their hearts.

I shook their spirits until they could feel

How my own unworthiness was healed 

From all the strength and love they gave to me.

She held on so tightly

In wanting to become

Someone other than who she was

That she forgot pieces of herself

That were trying to move on

Were actually gifts from God

Ready to be set free

So that in becoming

The holding on and letting go

Were a love affair destined by the universe

To mold her into whom she was ready to be.

The moment you think you have ‘worked through it all’,

the silence will no longer be silent.

It will arise with uncertainty and ask the questions you have been afraid to answer.

The questions that erupt into a cycle of isolation, spiraling heart and mind into oblivion,

creating chaos that longs to be justified.

The silence needs nothing from you.

It is you who need its tenderness amidst the chaos, its comfort amidst the grief, its grace amidst the confusion.

The silence never left you.

You escaped from it much of your life,

wandering through deserts in search of yourself.

Only to return to the same place you started from.

My how long a journey you made,

in struggling more than you needed to.

Time did not exist before the gods.

A spiral universe above and below

Where humans were once enchanted between the realms

Dancing amidst fairies and gnomes

Dieities and giants

Penetrating spirit

Taking from the Holy Grail its source of nourishment

To continue frolicking with innocence

Neither fire nor ice

Serpents or angels

Could reveal a destiny so great

That humans would remember

The portal from which they came.

The longing for ancient ritual

Is steeped in our blood

We become the guardians of one another

In other worlds

But in middle earth

We are tainted by a darkness

That we ignited ourselves.

Oh to be set free once again

Touched an innocence immersed

In those same healing waters

The gods swam in.

Your destiny.

Your choice.

My Name is Forgiveness

“How long can you endure?”

At my darkest hour, I heard a voice coming from the flame.

That slippery slope of emotional turmoil where the burdening question of existence perpetuates that longing for some sense of relief.

I turned around and searched everywhere for the inquisitor.

Who had the audacity to challenge the facade of my integrity?

“How long can you endure?”

My pulsating heartbeat could be heard across dimensions.

“Who are you?”

My anger swirled and descended to the earth beneath me.

“You know who I am. I have followed you for lifetimes.

Never more than one step behind you.

You have thought me the bane of your existence.

But I have and will always be your greatest hope, your greatest salvation.”

I pulled back, bewildered by the voice.

“I still don’t know who you are. Why don’t you come out and show yourself!”

“I’ve never hidden from you. You just refuse to see me for who I am, who you are, and for what we can become together.

I’ve told you my name a thousand times over, but your heart could never hear me. Your mind would never listen. Your spirit would never receive.”

Exhausted, with what little strength I had left I shifted my gaze to the ethers.

“I don’t understand. You seem to think you know about me, as though we’ve met before. Please, can you just tell me your name?”

There was this pause. I swear I could hear the entire universe in one breath.

“Forgiveness. My name is forgiveness. And we have met before. In every lifetime, in every moment. I have walked by your side, carried you when you were too weak, strengthened you when you needed me most. You rarely like to admit it, but you do need me. The truth is, I need you too. My question remains the same. How long can you endure?”

I had no answer, I just lay frozen in my own conundrum.

“I’ll wait for you. I’m in no rush. Your story is my story. You actually can’t endure without me. But you can suffer more.

I hope you allow me the honor of mending your wounds. I couldn’t think of any other way I would want to spend the rest of my life. When you’re ready, all you have to do is look within. I’ll be here.”

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